Wednesday, January 11, 2012


What got this whole process started this time was an article I read about a new development - Atherstone. While the distance to the city wasn't exactly appealing at around 40km - it's out in Melton - I did joke that it was a great area if you were a mountain biker, 40km in each direction to four of the most major venues that side of the city.  Maybe one day it might make for a nice second home if ever I couldn't be bothered driving all the way home :D

But the land prices were deceptively realistic.  They were being advertised for around $145k, a price which made me realise "I could actually handle that".  Of course you have to buy the bricks and mortar to go on it, how little did I underestimate that part!  The idea of actually being able to own a decent home for $300k was appealing, and totally doable.

While Atherstone didn't end up being viable because the goal was to reduce travelling distance, it was a catalyst for other options to be looked at.

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